• Strategies and advice to help your teen stay safe if they do choose to have sex at Schoolies.

  • Advice on how your teen can keep themselves safe whilst using social media.

  • Tips and advice to help your teen stay safe whilst drinking during Schoolies.

  • Tips and advice to help your teen safe around drugs at Schoolies.

  • Tips and advice to help keep your teen safe when out and about during Schoolies.

  • Tips and advice to help keep your teen safe in their Schoolies accommodation.

  • Ways to stay connected and support your teen during Schoolies.

Now for some, this can sometimes be one of the trickier or more awkward conversations to start up with your teen but nevertheless, it’s just as important to open the lines of communication about sex as it is drugs and alcohol leading up to Schoolies.

When it comes to sex, don’t assume that your teen is across it all. Discussing safe sex, consent, boundaries and respect are great ways for your teen to think about their morals and values, where they draw the line and strategies they can take to stay safe if they do chose to have sex at Schoolies.

Top ten discussion points for the teen who chooses to engage in sexual activity at Schoolies:

  1. Drugs and alcohol can affect the ability to make good decisions. Protect yourself from having sex that you might regret or were pressured into because you weren’t thinking straight.
  2. Always use condoms – they offer the best protection against sexually transmissible infections (STIs) and unplanned pregnancy. Let your teen know that they can always ask one of our Safer Schoolies Volunteers (Gold Coast) for a condom if ever in need.
  3. It’s up to your teen to decide if they want to have sex – if it doesn’t feel right, they can always say no (and at any time).
  4. Sexual consent is NOT silent – it is when both people actively and verbally say YES. Only yes means yes.
  5. Consent must be ongoing and continuous – either party are allowed to change their mind at any stage of a sexual encounter.
  6. Sexual consent is not transferable – to a different sexual activity, different day or different person.
  7. Consent can’t be given if someone is drunk, under the influence of drugs, asleep, unconscious or semi-conscious.
  8. Sexual assault is any unwanted sexual, physical, verbal or visual behaviour that makes a person feel uncomfortable, frightened or forces them to have sexual contact against their will. It includes harassment, ‘flashing’, rape, sharing naked photos (without consent) and unwanted groping.
  9. Encourage your teen to have a voice. If they see one of their mates, acting inappropriately or being disrespectful, call it out.
  10. In the event of a sexual assault at Schoolies, your teen should call Triple Zero (000) and ask for the Ambulance Service, or talk to one of our Safer Schoolies volunteers (Gold Coast) and they will arrange support and emergency care.