• Schoolies is a time for emotional highs and lows and its important to acknowledge your feelings and seek help when needed.

  • Advice to help you protect your friendships and set realistic Schoolies expectations.

  • Advice on communicating with the parentals and your friends during Schoolies.

  • Strategies on how to stay safe during sex at Schoolies .

Schoolies is often promoted as the best week of your life but for some, this may not always be the case. Whether you've had a fight with friends, had too much to drink, are overtired or Schoolies just hasn't lived up to your expectations, know that it's completely normal for you to feel emotional highs and lows.

It’s OK to not feel OK.

It's important to acknowledge these feelings, communicate them with the people around and who care about you, and know that there is always help available.

Tips to help you look after your mental health and wellbeing whilst at Schoolies:

  • sleep well – lack of sleep is linked to symptoms of depression including irritability, feeling down and hopelessness. It can also increase the use of alcohol or drugs as well as suicidal feelings.
  • eat well – a well-balanced diet gives you all of the vitamins and minerals needed for your body and brain to function well. It also helps with your sleeping patterns, energy levels and your overall health and wellbeing.
  • get active – it’s a great way to boost your mood, release stress and anxiety and it also helps build your confidence and energy levels. Just a short walk on the beach or a swim can help you feel better.
  • stay in touch – as E.T. says, “phone home”. Your parentals might offer to bring up a meal or pick up your washing (say yes). A familiar face might be just what you need.
  • avoid alcohol and drugs – they often leave you feeling worse than before you took them. They can amplify feelings – anxiety and irritability, sadness, unmotivated and moody. They can also affect your sense of reality.
  • know your limits – you can still have fun without pushing your body too hard.
  • talk to your mates or a trusted adult – you don’t have to go through this alone. Sometimes just talking about how you’re feeling can be helpful and you never know, you may not be the only one who is feeling a little low.
  • seek help – the sooner you get help, the sooner things can improve for you. Remember that it’s okay to not be okay and there are many people and services available to listen and support you confidentially and without judgment.

Help is always available:

  • don’t ever be afraid to call Triple Zero (000)
  • visit the Safer Schoolies Emergency Treatment Centre on the Esplanade (Gold Coast only)
  • ask one of our Safer Schoolies Volunteers for help
  • head to your local Hospital Emergency Department
  • call Gold Coast Mental Health and Specialist Services on 1300 MH CALL (1300 64 2255) for 24/7 specialist mental health care, advice and support
  • Headspace for free online and telephone support – 1800 650 890
  • Kids Helpline 24/7 – 1800 55 180
  • Youth Beyond Blue 24/7 – 1300 224 636
  • call the Red Frogs 24/7 hotline on 1300 557 123.

Before you go to Schoolies

  • Visit your GP:
    • if you are on any prescription medication, discuss the effects of mixing your meds with drugs and alcohol
    • if you are not feeling yourself or simply overwhelmed at the thought of going to Schoolies, talk to your GP about how you are feeling and what support is available.
  • Talk to your friends:
    • let them know if you have any existing mental health issues
    • about how you are feeling or any concerns you may have about going to Schoolies – they may also be feeling similar
    • let them know if you are on prescription medication and who they should contact for you in the event of an emergency
  • Set reminders – to take your prescription medication when you are at Schoolies in case you get caught up in all the fun
  • Connect with a trusted adult – whether it be an aunty, family friend, teacher or parent. Touch base with them before Schoolies and let them know they’re your chosen person to contact during Schoolies if you need someone to talk to.